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Throughout term time we run free informal recitals and events in Firth Hall. Including visiting guests and the performances from the talented students from the Department of Music.

Read a blurb of the film below:

In Metres, by Arthur Scrivener

Music and Place have always seemed linked to me.

I assign to every home, holiday and visit:

A loving soundtrack to help me live it

Obsessions with bands, styles and sounds,

They cascaded over my evolving self

All influenced by the places I saw 

Ultimately, it’s through these places that have led me to study music at the University of Sheffield, where I now find myself needing to consolidate my wide musical background to support the frightening prospect of making a career. In Metres explores how our personalities are influenced by the places we see and the music we hear. In addition, how these lead us to navigate the paths we take in the future, whether that be from music, emotions or pure circumstance. Take the time to ponder what your hometown means to you and what journeys you are willing to take to expand your world and find what it takes to feel like you “belong”.


Please note that this is a film screening, followed by musical performances.

You can reserve a seat for this concert through the link below, but you are also welcome to just turn up on the day!

Please click the button below to see our full lunchtime listings.

Image taken by Laure Divisia-Astill in Autumn 2024.

See our full lunchtime listings HERE
Dates: Monday 28th April, 2025
Venue: Firth Hall
Times: 1:10 pm
Doors open: 1:00 pm
Cost: Free
Reserve Your Ticket